I’ve stumbled upon the next greatest need for my office. Even though I just purchased a new computer about a month ago (it’s now serving as my main VM/File server) – I just came across a picture that finally pulled my life long love of music together with my geek side: After a bit of […]

I chuckled to myself after ready an article called “The Ill-Fated Apple III“. The last paragraph includes quite a funny quote: The Apple III was not a bad computer, and indeed, it was a somewhat better machine than its main competitor, the IBM PC. But it was boring. Randy Wigginston, who at age sixteen was […]


I like playing with software, hardware, servers, networking – you name it – I’ve probably done it. Lately I’ve been pondering how to increase my current 2+ TB of storage to something more useful. At least something more suitable to having the abilty to rebuild my servers without the possibilty of losing any of that […]